Euro Medical Group Ltd

Established in 2019, Euro Medical Group Ltd. is a EUDAMED certified importer and exporter of orthopedic implants and surgical instruments. The company is an exclusive representative of global manufacturers of orthopedic implants, systems for the treatment of spinal curvatures, systems for arthroplasty and high-quality prosthetics. Euro Medical Group Ltd. has a stable and firm position in the orthopedic industry, having a large network of distributors in Europe and around the world. The constant communication with leading specialists in orthopedics, the active participation of Euro Medical Group Ltd. in specialized international exhibitions and symposia, as well as the company's highly motivated team, keep us up-to-date of the latest world achievements in our field.

Our mission

We, at Euro Medical Group Ltd., are fully aware of the dynamic times in which we live. We know that in large parts of the world, access to adequate and quality healthcare is becoming a luxury. For us, the purely economic effect of the existence of our company is not leading. Euro Medical Group does and will continue to do everything possible to provide affordable products of world quality. We will continue to Support Health!

Baku 8,Studentski kompleks,Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
+359 879 170 000; +359 899 999 321